There are occasional references to Cudlip before 1600, mainly from Tavistock Chest Records published in “Calendar of the Tavistock Parish Records” by R. N. Worth in 1887. The references can be used to construct a “minimal” Tree from about 1160CE to 1600CE that is consistent with the names and dates identified. The true position must be hugely more complicated as the tree spans an interval of more than 400 years. But it provides a useful starting framework.
A diagrammatic representation of the “Tree 0” is given here. It provides a basis for linking the 3 main Cudlip(p) Trees (A, W & T). Future genetic testing of descendants may allow some of these distant links to be confirmed.
The trees are designed to be printed A3 size, although they can just-about be read if printed A4 size. The images have to be downloaded (right-click?) to be able to see the detail.